Microsoft Teams
Tribu transforms your communication platform into a centralized interaction centre for technicians and your help desk software. With tribu’s integration, we provide the ability to bring all of your standard help desk software functions into one central channel.
- Receive ticket notifications and updates in Microsoft Teams channels
- Update tickets with commands in a Microsoft Teams chat
- Quickly action ticket request through conversation cards in Microsoft Teams
- Provide customers with NLP ticket commands in their own Microsoft Teams environment

Microsoft Teams features
Tribu features can be used across the different PSA integrations through Microsoft Teams
Reactive command features
Returns a simple card to allow Partners to provide the tribu team with feedback for Tribu. Typically used to report issues, feature requests or modifications. These are then stored in the Tribu feedback table which feeds directly into our development sprint discussions
Command: /addfeedback
Returns the start and end times for the user who issues the command. This allows a user of Tribu to view their set work hours. The work hours are used when using the Automated scheduling feature of Tribu. Note: By default, Tribu will always deem the standard work week to be Monday to Friday and now work can be automatically scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday
This will remove the ‘Away’ status from the user matching the email specified in the command. The Away status silences @mentions from Tribu to that user while they are away and divert those @mentions to an alternative person to notify. This Away status is a Tribu only status and does not correlate to any integrated system currently.
Returns a simple card to allow partners to specify a person who is away and to divert any Tribu notification messages to an alternative person. This also allows the selection of a date and time to remove this away status automatically. The away status silences @mentions from Tribu to that user.
This will set the Manager notification to the user matching the specified email. Manager notifications are for Ticket Idle and SLA Overdue notifications. Multiple users can be assigned as a Manager. All Managers will be @mentioned for any Ticket Idle or SLA Overdue notification as well as the assigned resource.
This will set the work hours for the user issuing the command. This specifies the earliest time Tribu can schedule a service call for the user and the latest time it can schedule a service call when using the Schedule Automatically option in ticket notification schedules. Note: By default, Tribu will always deem the standard work week to be Monday to Friday and now work can be automatically scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday
This will set the user matching the email specified as a First Responder. First Responders will receive @mentions for New Ticket notifications from Talos. Multiple email addresses can be specified for multiple users to receive @mentions, separated by a space.
This will remove the First Responder status from the user matching the email specified. This will stop @mentions being sent to the user for New Ticket notifications. Multiple email addresses can be specified for multiple users, separated by a space.
Returns a list of users with the status of Away. The Away status silences @mentions from Tribu to that user while they are away and divert those @mentions to an alternative person to notify.
Returns a list of tickets, their status and ticket title for the user issuing the command. Each ticket specified has a hyperlink to the ticket URL for quick reference opening.
Optionally, if an email address is specified the command will return the list of tickets for the user with the matching email address in the same format.
Returns multiple dialogs. If the company name specified has multiple matches, a simple dropdown selection is presented for the user to select the correct company to create the new ticket for. With the correct company identified, the dialog then returns all current open tickets for that company to help prevent duplicate tickets being created.
The next dialog then returns a detailed card with fields to create a new support ticket. Ticket Title is the only mandatory requirement for Tribu, though your business processes may require other fields. These are not currently enforced by Tribu.
Optionally, if an email address is specified the command will return the list of tickets for the user with the matching email address in the same format.
Returns a simple card allowing the user issuing the command to select from any tickets they are assigned to as Primary Resource or Secondary Resource (if selected in Tribu preferences). An option to have the note email to the ticket contact is available and signals to the corresponding Autotask workflow to send the contents of the note out via an Autotask Notification template.
Returns a simple card allowing the user issuing the command to select from any tickets they are assigned to as Primary Resource or Secondary Resource (if selected in Tribu preferences). Time’s can be manually typed or select from the dropdown in the 30 minute increments. Note that a date selection is NOT available and will always be entered on the day the card is submitted. The /TimeEntry command is intended to encourage time entries to happen as the work is being completed or immediately after.
Returns a card to select the Ticket and to give a title to the attachment as required by the PSA. Note that you must attach a file to the dialog with the /addattachment command using the paperclip symbol. The tickets presented to the user will only include those where they assigned as the Primary Resource or Secondary Resources.
Initialises Tribu into a Microsoft Teams Chat channel.
Use /diagnose command to test the various permissions and setup of your PSA integration with Tribu. The result will assist with any setup issues you might face.
Proactive notification features
Internal notes
When another resource adds a note to your ticket, Tribu will let you know and show a snippet of that content. You'll have the usual quick action buttons with the notification.
Primary Resource Change
Tribu will actively send notifications between users when new engineers or technicians have been assigned to a ticket. Similar to the New Ticket notifications that occur now with a brief of the ticket description and quick action buttons.
New Ticket
New tickets created by end-users are displayed in the main MS Teams channel where they can be opened and assigned.
SLA Overdue
Oh no! You've missed that target - better get onto it now! The assigned resource is @mentioned and, if set, the Team Leader or manager is also @mentioned to highlight any resource that might be getting snowed under tickets! You can open the ticket directly from Teams with the click of a button. See setup instructions here.
Idle Ticket
Whenever a ticket has been idle for too long, commonly if there's been no initial response to the end-user with half your SLA requirement, Tribu will @mention the assigned resource in Teams so that it appears in both the channel and that resource's Teams Activity feed.
Customer Replies
Whenever a customer replies to a ticket, Tribu will @mention you in the Teams channel. Tribu will then present the first 400 characters of their response for quick consumption, an AI prediction of what the user is communicating, along with a selection of quick actions you can immediately utilize. Open the ticket or you can confirm or correct Tribu's prediction and have it update the ticket as desired all from within Teams chat.
Extra features
Translate Customer Replies
Tribu can take in multiple languages to perform predictions on Customer Replies
Customizable Notification Cards
With this capability, you can add additional fields to present to your team for greater relevance to your processes. For example, if you want to see the ticket description, phone and status and issue/sub-issue types when a New Ticket notification is produced, you CAN! You can also choose the buttons to present to your team for quick actions and dialogues to trigger.
Customized Quick Actions
You can now change the three buttons (quick actions) that appear on New Ticket notifications when you click 'Actions'. You can change the button label, what Issue and Sub Issue type it will set on the ticket if it should change the ticket status to Complete, and what text to insert into the Resolution field if any.
Secondary resources in notifications
Enable secondary resources to be mentioned in proactive notifications.
Scheduling a ticket
Tribu allows you to schedule an Autotask Service Call with all proactive interactions. This will book a service call into your dispatch calendar for the selected time OR you can have Talos assign the next free time for you

"Increasing ITECH Solutions efficiency by 50%"
Brian Weiss
ITech Solutions
ITech Solutions were able to increase efficiency by 50% through Tribu’s ability to reduce context switching and improve ticket navigation.
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